When should I call my doula? This is one of the most common questions that I get from clients. First-time moms, especially, worry about calling too soon or calling in the middle of the night.
Communication with your doula is key, though. I always tell expecting moms that I would rather have too much information and risk preparing too early than not have enough information and risk not getting to a birth on time.
Your doula is on call for you. This means that you get to call them, contact them, talk to them whenever you need to or want to- that is literally what you have hired them to do. No office hours, no on-call lines, no pagers. So, if you start to feel crampy but you're not sure if those are contractions, if you think you just lost your mucus plug, or if your water may have broken you just text or call and we'll respond. No matter the time of day.
As for when to have your doula join you... typically you will want your doula around the time that active labor contractions begin. Meaning, when you feel like your contractions really take your focus, you don't want to be left alone and you need to rest and recover in between contractions. But again, we are here for you, so if you need the support it is our job to give it to you. Regardless of the exact circumstances.